Sunday, May 4, 2014

Grilled chicken with fresh tomato, basil, and mozzarella (cold or baked with balsamic vinaigrette reduction)

Spring is here!  With all the green suddenly surrounding me I found myself in the mood for something healthy and fresh but, still simple and fast! I mean really fast! I decided to do an ultra quick/ light take on a chicken parm! YUM!  

boneless skinless chicken cutlet (as many as desired) 
ripe tomatoes
fresh mozzarella
fresh basil leaves
salt and pepper (to taste)
                 balsamic vinaigrette (optional)      

Salt and pepper chicken (to taste).  Start to grill chicken breast, usually takes 7-8 minutes depending on the thickness of the chicken breast.  At this point I pour 1/4 cup of balsamic vinaigrette into a sauce pan and bring to a boil.  By the time the chicken is done grilling the balsamic vinaigrette reduction should be done and thickened a bit.  Take it off the heat and let the reduction sit to the side.  

While the chicken is resting assemble tomato, basil, and mozzarella slices. Preheat the oven to 350.  Stack chicken with basil leaves, tomato, and mozzarella on top of baking sheet, coated lightly with nonstick spray :) Bake about 8-10 min.  Keep an eye on it, tomato should be softened and mozzarella melted!  Drizzle with reduction (optional) Eat! Enjoy! YUM! You can also omit the oven completely and just enjoy it cold on a nice hot day! 

                                                                       Try it hot!
 Try it cold!

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