Sunday, May 4, 2014

Roasted Acorn Squash with Cinnamon

This was a very new side dish for me to try and I have to say a new favorite!

acorn squash
1/4 cup water

Preheat oven to 400.  Cut acorn squash right in half.  Scoop out seeds.  You can roast the whole halves or slice them.  I chose to slice them.  You want to roast them in a deeper pan filled with 1/4 cup of water on the bottom (to prevent burning or drying out the squash). 

Sprinkle squash all over with cinnamon ( to your desired taste).  Also if you like things on the richer, sweeter side, try drizzling 1 Tbs of maple syrup along with the cinnamon :) Roast for 1 hour.  This was so delicious! Almost like a squash and sweet potato had a baby. LOL Eat! Enjoy! YUM!

I can't wait to try this again in the fall!

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